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CSV Template Examples for Data Projects
CSV Template Examples for Data Projects

How to Set Up Your CSV for Schools, Sports, Dance, and Sibling/Buddy Photos

Updated over 5 months ago

To successfully process your project, it's essential to format your CSV data file correctly. These instructions go beyond just subject data and include specific formatting that defines your project’s structure.

You can include additional fields in your CSV, as they help define the data structure for each project. The groups in your CSV can be configured as:

  1. Single-column, multi-value, single choice, or

  2. Multi-column, single-value, multiple choice.

Schools and Sports Projects

This configuration is ideal for most school and sports projects, where each subject is associated with a single group. In this example, the Student ID is used as the password. The "*" next to "Teacher" in the header signifies that this column defines the groups.

For instance, Snapizzi will create a gallery for James Jensen in your connected e-commerce platform. The gallery is labeled "Jensen" (from the "Gallery" column) and will contain his individual and group photos (from "Mr. Corrio's" class).

This setup uses a single column to select the group for each subject.

Dance Schools: Subjects in Multiple Groups

For projects where subjects are in multiple individual or group photos, you can connect multiple groups to the same subject. This setup allows all individual and group photos for a subject to be automatically placed in one gallery for the customer.

For example, if a dance school student is in multiple classes, your CSV file should include a unique column for each group. Placing an asterisk after each group header name will automatically tell Snapizzi this is a group column. If not done, you'll select the groups when assigning the CSV fields.

If a student belongs to a class, enter the class name in the relevant column. For situations where a student is in two levels of a class, you’ll need to separate the classes into distinct columns since each cell can only hold one value.

Siblings and Buddy Photos

To combine siblings into a single gallery, list their first names in the same row in the First Name column. Update the Gallery column to reflect a family name. Ensure that each sibling’s group is represented by setting all applicable groups.

For instance, Maggie is in Mrs. Goble’s class, while Jake is in Mr. Goose’s class. Use the same card/code for each sibling.

The result is a single gallery that contains all sibling photos, along with their group photos.

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