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Photo Indexing

How Snapizzi should process your image files.

Updated over a week ago

Indexing method is what Snapizzi uses to determine the proper sequence of your image files when processing. Time taken typically provides the best results and should be your first choice. Read this if your workflow may alter your image file EXIF data. Please note that indexing isn't necessarily display order since you can use Snapizzi Stars to control display order.

Name, privacy, and indexing method can be changed at any time โ€” even after the photos have been uploaded and processed. The Project type can only be changed as long as no photos have been uploaded.

There really isn't any reason to rename files prior to uploading to Snapizzi, but if your workflow includes renaming prior to uploading, be sure that your filenames include leading zeros equal to the highest number in the sequence (e.g., 0001 - 9999 rather than 1 - 9999). Your Project will not index properly otherwise.

Snapizzi can export renamed versions of your image files for you if needed.

Last to first (reverse) indexing is used in situations where you photograph the card after photographing your Subjects. You must shoot the entire Project using the indexing order selected. In other words, you can't shoot some codes before and some codes after in the same Project and expect it to process properly.

Ignore camera identification is used when your Project image files have EXIF data that doesn't match. Don't use unless instructed by the Diagnose & Remedy tool or tech support.

Ensure that the time on your camera is set properly so timestamps are accurate in the image file EXIF data.

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