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Photo Management
Review all of the photos and correct any issues that may exist
17 articles
Photo Management ViewsSeven Distinct Views to Assist You in Managing Your Photos Efficiently
UploadEXIF data, filenames, and more
SubjectsView subject photos and related data
GroupsView group photos and related data
Diagnose & RemedyAutomatically Scans for Common Issues That Volume Photographers Encounter
Orphan PhotosResolve orphan photos using repair tools or by deleting them
Misplaced SubjectsEasily manage misplaced subjects in your project
PortsPublish your project to your connected platform and create Bundles or Proof Sheets
Repair ToolsAutomatically resolve some of the most common errors that can occur in volume photography
Snapizzi StarsEasily control the order that Subject photos appear when exporting for Bundles or Paper Proofing.
Remote Gallery LinkEasily view the customer facing gallery on your connected platform.
Project SearchEasily locate subjects or groups in your project
Edit Subject DataQuickly edit your subject information
View GalleryView subject or group gallery
Hide or Show the Subject/Group ListEasily toggle between showing or hiding the subject and group lists
Hide Empty GalleriesSimplify your workspace by hiding empty subject and group galleries from the list
Gallery Scroll LockEnable or disable scroll wheel support for easier navigation